Agreement of Release and Waiver of Liability
Personal Training Client and/or Kickboxing Student, henceforth referred to as “Client,” is aware that participation in personal training and/or kickboxing and related fitness workouts, programs
and/or classes may result in accident or injury. Client assumes the risk associated with the
participation in such personal training and/or kickboxing and related fitness workouts, programs
and/or classes.
Client hereby represents and warrants that he/she is physically fit and has no medical
conditions which would prevent Client's full participation in any personal training and/or
kickboxing and related fitness workout, program and/or class. Client also acknowledges that any
medical clearance required has been obtained and that it is the Client's duty to continue to
ensure that they are medically cleared to participate in any fitness workout, program and/or
Client specifically agrees that EDGE Holistic Fitness, Kinetic Kickboxing, Michael D. Mills, and
Matador Performance and each of their respective officers, employees, agents, independent
contractors, instructors, and assignees shall not be liable for any claims, demands, cause of
action of any kind whatsoever for, or on account of personal injury, property damage, death, or
loss of any kind resulting from or related to Client's participation in fitness workouts, programs
and/or classes.
Cancellation Policy
All cancellations must be made within 12 hours of the scheduled appointment time. Clients who
cancel within the 12-hour period will be charged for the session. This applies to both personal
training sessions as well as kickboxing classes.
EDGE Holistic Fitness and Kinetic Kickboxing understands that emergencies do occur, and the
officers, employees, agents, independent contractors, instructors, and assignees of EDGE
Holistic Fitness and Kinetic Kickboxing will do the best to accommodate extenuating
circumstances, when appropriate. However, unacceptable reasons for cancellation include:
feeling tired, poor planning, and work obligations.
Clients who fail to attend an appointment without any notice (“No show”) will be charged in-full
for the session.
Client Signature
I have read this Agreement of Release and Waiver of Liability and Canellation Policy and fully
understand the contents. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions contained herein.